"Sisters never quite forgive each other for what happened when they were five"....
OMG - so true! Em - age 2; me - age 7. "Meany" (Em) hits me upside the head with MY barbie doll! I'll never forget it.....yet love her just the same! <3
So today, in my being bummed that she can't meet me for lunch b/c she's a big-girl/working girl now, I wanted to give 'mi hermana' a shout-out!
"Sisters are different flowers from the same garden" "Sister to sister we will always be, a couple nuts from the family tree"
"A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost"
"I smil because you're my sister; I laugh because there's nothing you can do about it!"
In 2009, I married my best friend and life together has been absolutely wonderful. I am blessed beyond belief with such a great life & amazingly supportive, funny, & loving husband who truly is my best friend & makes everyday fun & exciting! He truly is so easy to love!On January 17, 2009, our little bundle of joy, Carter Hudson, made his grand appearance and life has not been the same since! :) Needless to say, life with a little one is totally different but is the absolute most amazing thing in the world. I still find myself thinking "how in the world is it possible to love something so small SOOOO MUCH?!?!" It's hard to believe how quickly time flies and how quickly he is growing up, but what a beautiful and wonderful journey! Never a dull moment and so full of love and laughter! Rob & I have both worked very hard to be where we are today but try so hard to not take all we have for granted because we, as individuals and as a couple, have been blessed far more than we ever imagined or deserved. We couldn't ask for more (except a few more babies ;)!
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