Tuesday, June 17, 2008

169 BPM

We had our first doctor's visit yesterday, June 16th! I was pretty nervous going in...Is there really a baby in there? Is it's heart beating? However, it didn't take long to see the little "tadpole" and the heart fluttering at 169 BPM. Everything looked good and I actually found out I was about a week further along than I thought - 9 weeks! It was a great visit - Robbie learned a lot - haha! I think we both feel a lot more at ease and our excitement just continues to grow! It truly is a miracle and absolutely amazing...I sometimes feel unworthy to be given such an awesome opportunity and great responsibility!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Rob & I have a bun in the oven....

Since Rob & I had been semi-"trying" for the past couple months, on the morning of May 17th, I thought it might be a good idea to take a test before going to a wedding that evening where I was going to see a lot of college friends and was sure I would "enjoy the wedding". To my surprise I got a "+" sign. I thought maybe it was just all in my head so I had Rob come take a peak and I just asked him to tell me what he saw. Not knowing what he was looking for he said, "well looks like a plus sign to me" and then he just went on about his business.....so I had to make him aware of what the "+" sign meant (DUH!). Well we immediately went to Wal-Mart b/c he thought I should probably buy at least 2 more tests just to make sure....so after that he made sure I was drinking water and kept asking "do you have to pee yet?"....well needless to say the other 2 tests were clearly positive too! As of Saturday, June 21st I'll be 9 weeks.....only 31 to go!! haha.

Rob and I are both really, really excited and a of course little nervous all at the same time! Robbie already refers to it as a "tadpole" (haha) or "HE"but I'm thinking we need some more girls in the bunch...