Monday, June 8, 2009

4 Month Check-up

I'm a little late on posting the update but Carter had his 4 month check-up the end of May. The doctor said he was a very healthy baby boy and said it appeared he had the whole eating thing down pat! He weighed in at 18.1 lbs. and was almost 27 inches long....both in the 95th percentile. Rob says when he gets old enough he'll have to rough him up while he can because it looks like Carter will be bigger than him before we know it! We've incorporated solid foods (well "baby solid foods" ha!) into our lunch and dinner routines. He's a huge fan of oatmeal cereal mixed with fruit juice, however, he LOVES his veggies....especially carrots, which he must get from his dad because I'm not a fan of veggies AT ALL! Anyways, doc said for us to keep doing what we're doing and after our next visit at 6 months we could start incorporating meats....which i'm sure our growing boy will love! I'll try to post new pictures soon.....