(my favorite picture at the moment)
So I thought I'd be way better at staying on track with updating the blog but I must admit I have failed! So, along with losing weight, exercising more and cutting out diet soft drinks, I'll tack on updating the blog more frequently to my 2011 resolutions!
We so often say "oh how time flies" but over the past year I've grown to understand how true such a simple statement is. MY BABY IS 2!!! Where did the time go? He's a little man (aka Rob) now! And never did I think that a 2 year old could be so funny, engaging and just down right smart...but Mr. Carter Beck is! He keeps us on our toes and constantly smiling and laughing.
Although he's a very strong-willed and independent little booger, he's so full of love and never runs out of hugs & kisses (and I would let him hug & kiss me ALL DAY LONG). I dread the day that he's too big to hold and snuggle and cuddle in his big boy bed :( And speaking of too big...his growth has yet to cease. At 2 he's almost 35 lbs (99th percentile yet again) and 36 1/2 inches tall (also 99th percentile); so the dreams of a little football star are still alive! :) I'm just excited that he could potentially be taller than 6 foot as a young man...neither Rob's side nor mine have seen that in a while!
"Carter Beck Hudson Beck" (as Carter likes to refer to himself as) absolutely loves cars, MONSTER TRUCKS, tractors and pretty much anything that moves/rolls. Also still a huge fan of football, baseball, basketball....yeah, pretty much anything involving a ball!
I try so hard to really cherish and soak up every moment with him and Rob. We're so so blessed...and although I can't wait to see Carter grow (and at least add one more little one to our family ;)) at times I wish I could freeze these moments and days in time. My life truly is so amazing; full of love and amazing people and I couldn't be more happy right now!
Please enjoy the new pictures I've posted to the link above. Until next time....