We went and had Carter's 3 month pictures made and it's amazing how much he's grown and changed already. It's like he went from baby baby to little man overnight. He's growing into such a funny and precious personality and Rob and I are both convinced that he's already figured out to manipulate us. It's pretty funny now but I have a feeling that he's going to be a hand full in the future! :) We're also thinking that he might be growing into a good sized little fella....right now he's approximately in the 90th percentile for height and weight so we may have a little football star on our hands afterall!
I'm beginning to understand more and more what a true blessing and great responsibility it is to be a mother. I pray every day that Rob and I will be the parents we need to be to raise him to be a respectful young man with a heart of compassion who truly loves the Lord! We are so very very blessed!

Ahhhh... I love these!! The last one is soooo stinkin' cute!!! I miss little Carter man :(
I love the bubble pic at the end. My favorite!
Ohhhh... I miss Owen being this little!!!
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