Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Already 2 1/2 Months....

It's hard to believe that Carter is already 10 weeks old and I had to go back to work this week. I definitely miss the little guy during the day but it's nice too to start settling into a real routine and having adult interaction. The fact the Robbie's mom is our daycare makes it a little easier too b/c I know he's being loved and spoiled! :) He's becoming such a big boy and although the first month was extremely challenging I'm so proud of the good little baby he's becoming. Don't get me wrong...he still has his moments but he's so much fun now and loves riding the horsey with daddy, batting at his favorite toy (Einstein star), snuggling with mommy, baby talking, and looking around cooing and smiling. Not to mention that we've consistently been sleeping through the night (10 pm - 6 am) for a week now which is AWESOME and I'm extremely proud him!!! It's amazing to see him changing, literally, every day...I could just eat his face off and squeeze him to pieces :) We both love him so very very much!

1 comment:

Kasey said...

I'm still waiting on some Easter photos Mama Beck. :)