Wow!!! Where does the time go? It's hard to believe that it has been a whole year since our little (yet big in our lives) blessing joined us! It truly does seem like yesterday that I found out I was pregnant....went to the hospital....and brought home our little man. I won't say that I've already forgotten the sleepless nights, the trials of adjusting to being a new mommy and the moments of continuous crying (ha!) but I will say that the joy and laughter that Carter has brought to our lives overshadows any struggles along the way! Being a mom and having a family has been the most amazing experience and I can't wait to see what's to come....
"Birth"day - January 17, 2009
First family "portrait" :)
It's amazing how quickly our little baby boy has grown into a little man. I'm blown away everyday at how he explores, learns, and does new things. Carter is such a smart little booger... he's practically running (not just walking) around the house now, totally can anticipate our reactions and emotions to everything he does, eats like a big boy, has "mama" and "dada" down pat, and really "knows" the special people in his life that he loves so very much!
On Saturday (Jan 16th) we had Carter's first birthday party at Tumble Tots of Lexington and it was a blast!!! We had a massive turn out and so so much fun! Carter and all his birthday buddies loved the trampoline and all the obstacles and wide open floor space to just run and play and have a ball! He got soooo many awesome toys and clothes and thankfully a nice and big toy chest for the mounds of toys he's accumulated over the holidays and his birthday (thanks everyone!).
Happy Birthday "Mr. Man" :)
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