He's growing into such a fun little boy and not a little baby anymore (which is sad but mama's not quite ready for another yet - ha!). Carter has his mommy's patience and daddy's temper which doesn't always make for the best combination but he's also so so funny and silly and super smart and we're having so much fun watching him develop his multi-dimensional great personality (other than the whining which I have to admit is 100% from me - oops)! He stands all by himself and has the silliest dance that he does which makes us crack up every time (I'll try to post a video soon!) and he's walking like crazy around the furniture and trying so so hard to really walk. He'll take a few steps and then realize he's doing it all by himself and then plops down on the booty! He loves to play peek-a-boo, patty cake, and clap his hands - we're working on "touchdown" haha! Carter is so much fun, not to mention super cute, and we are so proud of him!
Recently as a family we've enjoyed going to the Dixie Classic fair (Carter rode the carousel with mommy and the choo choo train with Daddy but LOVED the petting zoo), the pumkin patch (in which Carter picked out the biggest/most expensive pumpkin to take home), and spending lots of time at the grandparents houses getting super spoiled!

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