Carter will be 2 weeks old tomorrow (Saturday); it's crazy how fast the time is already flying by! He's absolutely precious and it's amazing how much love you can have for such a tiny little human being. I still catch myself saying to myself "wow, i can't believe he's actually MINE". Rob and I could not have been blessed with an any more perfect child (of course we are probably pretty biased - haha). Don't get me wrong, we're definitely having to adjust to life being totally different but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Poor Rob is slowly trying to catch up on sleep but he has been absolutely amazing. The evenings are his time and I love to just watch him and Carter together! Beginning mid-week Carter started sleeping better at night and I actually only have to get up with him once which is AWESOME! During the day Carter and I just hang out or he sleeps while I attempt to get housework, etc. done or we run errands. He absolutely loves his carseat and riding which makes getting out pretty easy for me which I'm so thankful for b/c I would go crazy if I had to remain couped up in the house all the time! Every day more and more of his little personality shines through and it's so fun watching him grow and develop. His 2 week follow-up appointment is next Thursday and I'm curious to see how much he's grown since he's a little horse when it comes to eating! I'll try to do better to keep the blog updated....for now enjoy some of the loads of pictures from Carter's first 2 weeks!

these are precious!! He is so absolutely adorable! Who made the green, white, brown blanket? I love it!!
Glad to hear you are all adjusting to a little one. They are wonderful little blessings!
Carter is beautiful!! Enjoy this time...he will grow fast! Thanks for sharing the pictures.
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