Monday, August 18, 2008

It's a BOY!

Rob and I had our 18 week doctor's appointment today and found out that "wee" is definitely a little boy! We're both very excited and ready to start really planning and getting things ready. Everything looked good and is progressing as it should be. He was moving around like crazy (even though I can't feel anything yet) so I'm gonna go ahead and prepare myself for him taking after Rob and being very hyper-active! haha. He's also measuring pretty long so we could possibly have a tall little fella (that would be Rob & I's recessive genes kicking in - ha!) Enjoy the pictures!
IT'S A BOY! - 2 legs, butt, and his boy parts in the middle:)
Head shot with his arm up beside his face!

Facing down....head, neck, and body

He's waving to everyone! You can see most of his body in this one and his little hand (over his shoulder) with all 5 fingers :)


Kasey said...

YAY! So happy for you guys! I'm sure he will fit right in on Friday nights ;) !

Amanda said...

YAY, I'm so happy for you guys!! So glad it's a boy...they are so much fun!!

Amanda Phelps

Anonymous said...

Congrats, guys. How awesome!

Anonymous said...

Look at that boy's dingy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Precious and amazing :)

Danelle said...

Hey Heather and Rob,
Congratulations on the boy. I know you all must be so excited and I have to say I love all 3 name options. Heather, you're looking great and it's so nice to hear from someone who's not having a miserable pregnancy ;-) Hopefully the trend continues. Winter and fall is a good time to be pregnant (not so hot). Congratulations again,