So as my clothes become slightly uncomfortable, I decided that it might be a good idea to go ahead and do some maternity pants shopping so I don't wake up one morning and have absolutely nothing to wear! Rob was a good sport and tagged along with me around Concord Mills on Saturday. To my advantage, Old Navy was having a super super sale so I was able to get some capris, jeans, etc. to get me through the summer for very cheap - needless to say I was very excited! Lori also gave me a huge laundry basket full of her maternity clothes to borrow so a HUGE 'THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU' to her!!! And I'm not gonna lie, although I don't really "need" to start wearing the maternity pants just yet, they're pretty comfortable and I'm not ashamed to start rocking 'em :)
We also had bachelorette & bachelor party celebrations this weekend. Heather Kistel and Will Funderburk, good friends of ours from Charlotte, are getting married the end of August and Rob and I joined them on their 'last night single' celebrations on Saturday. I was able to participate in the lingerie shower & bachelorette dinner at City Tavern with Heather and the girls. I'll post some pictures soon. Jenny, being the awesome BFF that she is, left early with me and we caught a movie and had a nice little girls night! Rob joined the boys at the Rusty Rudder for the evening. Sunday we were able to grab some pool time in Charlotte before heading back and then we crashed. It was a nice weekend with friends!
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