So our 'chunky monkey' is no longer a "baby" but becoming a big boy. And he's still literally a big boy according to his 15 month checkup weighing in at 30.4 lbs. & 33 inches tall (both still in the 97th percentile)!!! He's such a funny little dude and we have so much fun together! I'm excited about summertime b/c he absolutely loves being outside (he would live out there!) and would play "ball" all the time (which Rob is super excited about)! I absolutely love when he comes up and just gives me a big ole hug and kiss and plays with my hair....those are some of the moments I wish I could freeze in time :) I've posted a few pictures from Easter, etc. Hope you enjoy!
Oh, and big family news (no we're not expecting again - ha!) but we've purchased a new home in Lexington with a much bigger lot for Carter to play and a much bigger house for all our STUFF! We're so excited and just keeping our fingers crossed for an anticipated offer this week on our current house!