Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Carter's 1-Month Photo Session

We took Carter to Studio 1 to 1 in the mall to have his 1 month pictures taken. I was quite nervous b/c I know how fussy he can be but he actually did pretty well....except for pee pee-ing on their back drop...oops! haha :) It was a lot of fun and I hope you enjoy the slideshow of some of the pictures from the session!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy 1 Month Birthday Carter!!!

It's hard to believe that Carter is already one-month old today! He's already grown and changed so much. He's over 10 lbs. and if we would feed him we're pretty sure he would eat NON-STOP! He's really started coming into himself too and he definitely is his daddy's son...looks and personality....well maybe a little bit like me b/c he can be quite the drama-king, haha! :) The past month has definitely had it's challenging moments but overall the whole "becoming parents" experience has been an amazing and blessed ride so far. We've made progress - Carter's already sleeping in his big boy crib...most nights we can put him down about 10:30 pm and he's only up once during the night which is a HUGE improvement from the getting up every 2 hours to eat phase. It's so funny how our schedule is already setting itself. Bed at 10:30, up to change and eat at about 4 am, up at 6:30 am (but then snuggle with mommy & daddy in bed til about 7:30), then we eat every 3 hours or so, nap on and off all day, daddy time beginning at 5:30 ish until bedtime, then mommy feeds and rocks him to sleep in his room! He's already holding his neck up really well and using his legs....he's a very active little fella! He definitely knows his mommy and daddy (mommy especially) and is really looking around and noticing voices and starting to follow faces/objects. He also has his fussy times which we refer to as "Hudson boy" moments (his alter-ego) - haha. He's so precious though and I fall more and more in love with him everyday. I could honestly just hold him and kiss on him all day. I can't wait to see what the next month has in store as he continues to grow and develop....I can totally agree with the whole "they grow up so fast" statement already. I try to remind myself when I get frustrated to just enjoy every moment b/c it will all fly by so fast! I've attached some more pictures from Carter's first month and hope you enjoy!

Playing with Daddy

Showing off my "kicks"

First day at church and he got a candy bar!